May 15, 2024

How to Pack Efficiently for Your Moving Day?

Relocating to a new neighborhood in Hyderabad must be a difficult thing for you to handle. But, by hiring professional packers and movers in Hyderabad, you will be able to get your packing and moving tasks handled extremely well by the experts. Still, if you pack most efficiently, then you will not end up getting confused and troubled on the moving day. Rather, you will be able to wrap up everything professionally. You must follow the below-mentioned tips to pack efficiently for the moving day. 

Things to do before two months of the move

After deciding the final date of the move, make sure to start packing right away. If you start the packing task 8 weeks before, then this will be the best thing to do. Here is the timeline for the same: 

1. Organize everything for the move 

You must organize your move by preparing a moving folder that includes all types of receipts, a list of items to pack, a relocation schedule, and other important receipts. The next thing that you must do by this time is to take exact measurements of the furniture items, doorways, and hallways to check whether you will be able to take out the items through them or not. 

2. Get rid of all the unwanted items 

For this process, you must check each room one by one. Decide what items you want to keep and what you don’t. The non-essential items can be donated to charity or thrown away. You can set up a sale in your home premises to sell the items that you are not going to use in the future. Make sure to use all the food items or else donate them to someone in need. Also, you need to get rid of the non-allowable items like hazardous, flammable, aerosols, etc., as they are risky. 

3. Start packing the items that you have separated for taking along 

Before asking the movers to inventory your items for the final estimate, you must ensure that you are left with only those things that you want to move along with you. If you have plants, then you need to ask your moving team whether they will or not move them. If they don’t allow it, then you can either donate or gift them to any friend. 

Things to do before a month of the move 

This is the time when you must handle the other move-related tasks like notifying the people and concerned offices about the address change. Other things that you need to handle are: 

1. Get your utilities transferred: Make sure to get your present utilities disconnected or transferred to the new destination. Install the new utilities in your new home before the shift. 

2. Arrange the transfer records of the school: You must gather the school records of your kid to get their admission to a new school. 

3. Get records from the physician: You must collect all your prescriptions and medical records from your physicians. 

4. Notify about address change: Get your address changed in banks, insurance companies, and any other financial institutions, that can send documents to your new address. 

Things to do before three weeks of the move

It’s just three weeks to go and there must be a lot of pending work to do. Here are the most important ones to handle: 

1. You must ensure that your major appliances are well-serviced before you move. 

2. You must get all your subscriptions cancelled on time including cable, internet, phone, etc. 

3. If you have pets to move along with you, then make sure to arrange their transportation in advance. 

Things to do before two weeks of the move

Before two weeks, you must start your packing task and start by picking up each room at a time. Declutter the space and then pack all the items. Here are the things you must take care of: 

1. Gather all the things that you have loaned and return the things that you have taken.

2. Ensure that all hazardous and flammable items must be disposed of well. 

3. Make sure to confirm the travel reservations. 

Things to do before one week of the move 

A week before the move, you must do all pending things. Here is the list of things that you need to handle: 

1. Prepare an essentials bag and pack all the items that you will need during the move. 

2. Pack your suitcase with clothes that you want to take along. 

3. Book the moving company after a thorough research.

4. Defrost, clean, and dry your refrigerator. 

Things to do on the moving day 

You must handle only a few things on the moving day so that you can be involved in the moving task. 

1. Finish the packing of all your suitcases.

2. Keep snacks, water, first-aid kit, toiletries, medicines, etc., in your essentials bag. 

3. Clean your home before leaving or ask for a cleaner to do the same. 


To make your move streamlined, you must ensure to follow the above-mentioned timeline. This will help you ensure a stress-free move. Still, in case of any confusion, take help from movers and packers in Hyderabad

1 comment:

  1. Excellent service! Packers and mover made my relocation stress-free and efficient. And you can visit to move your car and bike all over India without any stress.
