Sep 7, 2024

Smart Ways to Save Money When Moving in Summer

A summer move is immensely popular as this is considered to be the safest and most favorable time to relocate. Whether you are relocating to a big home or a simple studio apartment, the concern of every individual who wants to relocate is how to minimize the expenditure in the peak season to make it a budget move. If you are relocating within Chennai, then you can think about doing a DIY move if you are shifting to a small single-bedroom apartment with less volume of goods. But, if you are shifting a big home, then you have to hire professional packers and movers in Chennai. If you want to save a good amount of money on your summer move, then you must follow the below-mentioned tips. 

Tip 1: Reduce your load 

This implies that you need to minimize the volume of your goods as much as you can. For this, you need to purge all your belongings and get rid of the items that you do not want to use. The golden rule to minimize your moving charges is to minimize the things that you are taking along with you. The items that you don’t want to move along can be either discarded, sold, or donated as per their condition and age. Do keep in mind that the relocation charges are calculated based on the volume of goods that you need to be transported. 

Tip 2: Handle the moving task on your own 

If you want to save money on your move, then try to carry out maximum tasks on your own like packing, arranging supplies, etc. It would be better to handle as many tasks on your own as you can to reduce the amount of service charges of professionals. This will help you in conducting a much more effective budgeting. As the summer season is peak time, you will most probably get the moving services at an extremely high cost. If you want to conduct it on your own, then the favorable weather will help you do it in a fun way. 

Tip 3: You must compare the moving companies 

Comparing moving companies and asking them for an in-depth estimate after a visual inspection is a must. Get at least three to four estimates from different companies so that you can compare them based on services and charges. This will help you choose the best company offering you the most reasonable price. Also, you can use the quotation for negotiation purposes. Show the competitor's price quote to the company that you want to hire to negotiate prices as per your particular budget. Don’t ever be afraid to ask for discounts and offers. 

Tip 4: Book your movers early 

It is extremely important to book your moving company as early as possible. Even if you are booking a rental truck, then it is recommended to book it in advance. You must book them at least one month in advance as this is the peak season and movers easily get booked for the entire season. Thus, you will not get an experienced moving team to handle your task. If you book them in advance, you will not be charged unnecessarily higher. 

Tip 5: Prepare as early as you can 

After deciding on the moving date, you must prepare as early as you can. Make sure that you are prepared for everything in advance as this will aid you in making a major financial move. If you manage to do all the things on time, then it will reduce both your stress and expense. 

Tip 6: Relocate during the off-peak season

If you want to move on budget, then the best thing to do is to relocate during the off-peak season. At this time, you will be able to book all the things under your budget. Try to relocate during weekdays and the middle of the month in other seasons apart from summer. 

Tip 7: Ask for assistance 

You must ask for help from your friends, colleagues, and family members to help you with the packing, handling, loading, and moving tasks. This will greatly help you save a good amount on your move even if you relocate during the summer season. Do keep in mind that shifting is not a single person’s task and thus, you must take the help of your family and friends for the same. 

Tip 8: Sell all the unwanted items 

If you sell all the items that you don’t need in the future, then it will help you fetch a few extra amounts that will help you add up to your moving budget. By this method, you will both downsize the home and make the move easier. 

Tip 9: Create a proper budget

This is extremely important that you create a proper budget for the move beforehand. This will help you refrain from overspending during the move. Thus, keep your budget in a complete check. 


Relocating during summer is quite amusing as the weather remains pleasant and the days are longer. You can hire expert movers and packers in Chennai for the safe relocation of your items. Make sure to keep in mind the above-mentioned tips for a budget-friendly move in summer. 

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